For those who have wandered far, or never quite known kinship to soul and place.

This is for you. 

An offering to help you to land and connect, root into your beingness.

The first 13 registrations are invited to an in-person ritual in August.

Come and join us

You can most safely touch the stars when your feet are deeply rooted in the earth.


Your nervous system grounded. 

Your feet in the earth as you stretch your body. 

Your potential for growth equal to your potential for letting things go.

Your capacity to handle grief equal to your capacity for gratitude.

In this little course we offer a sip from each cup from our web of magick and mystery.

To remember yourself home. 

Enough to land, deeply rooted in yourself, and reach out from that place of safety.

Extracted wisdoms to sip from slowly in this online, soul-filled experience:


Soma - nurturing the animal body 

Space - liminal, transitional and in between places

Belief - power and biology of belief

Safety - nervous system tending

Growth - spirals of growth, dissolve and resurgrence

Art - creative living, the why beneath it all 

Freedom - unchaining from the matrix

Magick - prophetic, serendipitous, and beyond reason

Connection - relationships and communication 

Place - land, ancestors, creatures and plants

Death - endings, letting go, grief and gratitude


Self-paced online magick

Extracted nectar and musings on each of our 13 potent touchstones

all in our online portal for you to work with in your own time.

A return, and a foundation to rooted living

To remember - or begin. Tend the roots of the things that really matter and call yourself home.

Sign up now

ROOTED is included in three of our subscriptions

Sign up for one of our monthly subscriptions below and access ROOTED alongside loads of other empowering magick: