Nectar Noir contains a series of magickal offerings to top up your wisdom and awareness


Nectar Noir is a course bundle in its own right, including our signature programs relating to the AFAB (assigned female at birth) anatomy and the energetics of femininity.

We cover bones, muscles, reproductive health and cycles, pleasure, and deep self care.

We also introduce themes of shadow work and seasonal energies and how to be more comfortable with all that you are, not just the ‘love and light’ bits of spirituality.


This is not a good vibes only offering.

This is a deep dive into the places society has covered with shame and fear, and a powerful reclamation of all the parts of self. It’s also a self care boosting education covering herbs, rituals and practices to deepen your self knowledge and wellbeing practices.

Appreciate your grief, desire, rage, sexuality, blood, bones, pleasure, life stages, and all your magick in this heady and empowering combination of courses.

Presented by our own heathen-witch-siren Jessi Magick with special guests who are steeped in embodiment wisdom and energetic magick.

You will get a lot out of Nectar Noir if you are AFAB, but to be honest we wish for ALL beings to learn these things and discover the topics that should have been included in sex ed or biology at school.

Nectar Noir includes 

Wild Enchantress introduces everything you need to know about women's work, holding circle, earth medicine and anatomy.

In Draped in Dark Nectar you will learn the ways of working with shadows and the darker emotions which we often ignore or try to hide from.

Carnal Nature: Sexual Rewilding covers deep reclamation of pleasure and desire, including an introduction to Tantra. 

Blood, Bones & Magick is a steeping in empowering movement, medicine, plant and animal magicks. 

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Payment options: Nectar Noir only

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$1,200 pay in full today

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Nectar Noir is also included in two of our subscription offers

Sign up for one of the monthly subscription offers below for access to Nectar Noir alongside a load of other empowering courses: